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SSH over VPN

Managing servers on the public internet brings a lot of security threats with it. RDP is so bad it isn't recommended to even expose it to the public internet. With SSH, things are a bit more safe, but only after you perform a set of SSH hardening tasks, e.g.:

  • Change default SSH port (security through obscurity, only helps reduce number of bots attempting to connect)
  • Disable root login
  • Disable password login, only use PubKey authentication
  • Setup 2FA for SSH
  • etc.

In order to add another layer of protection, you can setup VPN to protect your SSH connections (while leaving your website available to the public internet).

Having SSH over VPN shouldn't make you forget about the aforementioned SSH hardening steps. VPN is just one of them.

Wireguard Server setup

Install Wireguard on the server

Debian offers fairly outdated version of Wireguard in the official stable repository. At the time of writing, stable has 20210223, while testing has 20210424. You can check available version with apt.

$ apt-cache policy wireguard


  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.0.20210223-1
  Version table:
     1.0.20210223-1 500
        500 bullseye/main amd64 Packages
Install from stable

You can decide if you want to use the stable or testing version. To install stable, simply type:

$ sudo apt install wireguard
Install from testing

To install from the testing repo, you have to perform the steps shown HERE. TLDR, add testing to /etc/apt/sources.list, adjust apt preferences in /etc/apt/preferences and update apt. Once you have enabled the testing repository with appropriate priorities, you can install Wireguard. To see if the preferences are set properly, try to see what apt would install. By default, everything should be installed from stable, unless specified otherwise.

$ apt-cache policy wireguard

Candidate line shows what would be installed.

  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.0.20210223-1
  Version table:
     1.0.20210424-1 -10
        -10 testing/main amd64 Packages
     1.0.20210223-1 900
        900 stable/main amd64 Packages

Now specify that you want to install from testing:

$ apt-cache policy -t testing wireguard

Candidate should now point to the newer version:

  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.0.20210424-1
  Version table:
     1.0.20210424-1 990
        990 testing/main amd64 Packages
     1.0.20210223-1 900
        900 stable/main amd64 Packages

Finally, to install from testing (-t to specify repository to install from):

$ sudo apt install -t testing wireguard

Generate keys

Regardless of the version you have installed, it's time to create the configuration, directories and keys. We will be working in a restricted directory (only readable by root), so elevate shell:

$ sudo su
Create directories

We need some place to store our public, private and preshared keys. All of these should be located in /etc/wireguard directory and only readable by root. The directory structure itself is up to you, I prefer having directory keys in /etc/wireguard for server public and private key and psk directory for preshared keys.

Set umask to 077 to create files and directories only readable by root:

(root)$ umask 077

Create the aforementioned directories in /etc/wireguard:

(root)$ mkdir keys psk
Generate server keys

Navigate to the /etc/wireguard/keys directory and generate the keys.

(root)$ cd keys
(root)$ wg genkey | tee wg0_private.key | wg pubkey > wg0_public.key

The wg genkey command generates a random private key in base64 and prints it to standard output (terminal). The output is instead redirected to tee, which both prints it to stdout (terminal), but also saves it into a file wg0_private.key. The private key printed to stdout is then piped (| symbol) to wg pubkey, which calculates the public key and prints it in base64 to stdout from a corresponding private key (the one we redirected to it with the pipe), lastly redirect the public key from stdout to a file wg0_public.key

You will now have two files in /etc/wireguard directory. One containing public, the other private key.

wg0_private.key  wg0_public.key

Create server configuration

Still under umask 077 and in the root shell, create a config file in /etc/wireguard directory. The name of the file will be used as the name of the interface.

(root)$ touch wg0.conf

Replace server_private_key with the private key of your server (content of wg0_private.key in /etc/wireguard/keys). ListenPort is the port you want Wireguard to listen on and Address specifies the subnet for the Wireguard tunnel. I chose /29 due to small subnet size, because more hosts aren't necessary.

Address =
ListenPort = 51895
PrivateKey = server_private_key

Client Wireguard setup

Download and install Wireguard

Download the Windows Installer from the official Wireguard website.


Run the wireguard-installer.exe and after a few moments, this window should appear:


Click the arrow next to Add Tunnel and select Add empty tunnel...


Wireguard will automatically generate a private and public key for this client.


*note: all keys shown will be destroyed afterwards and are only used for demonstration purposes

Configure the client

Under the PrivateKey line, add Address, which will be the address of the Wireguard client within the Wireguard tunnel.

PrivateKey = private_key
Address =

Even though I am refering to the server as Wireguard server and my management station as the client, the truth is Wireguard doesn't care about that. In it's eyes, both are on the same level and there's no difference between them, they are both peers.

To configure the server, add [Peer] block to the client config.

PublicKey = server_public_key
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = publicIP:port
  • PublicKey – Copy the content of /etc/wireguard/wg0_public.key to this line
  • AllowedIPs – IP of the server within the tunnel, use /32 to allow only the server and not the whole subnet
  • Endpoint – Public IP of the server and port where Wireguard is running (same as ListenPort in the server wg0.conf)

The entire client config should now look like this:

PrivateKey = private_key
Address =

PublicKey = server_public_key
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = publicIP:port

Add client to the server configuration

To finish setting up the tunnel, add the client's public key and IP address to the wg0.conf in /etc/wireguard.

PublicKey = public_key_from_client
AllowedIPs =

You have to copy the public key from the client to the server config. Make sure you don't switch up the public and private keys. Always copy the public key only! The private key should never leave the device it was created on.

wg0.conf will look something like this right now:

Address =
ListenPort = 51895
PrivateKey = server_private_key

PublicKey = public_key_from_client
AllowedIPs =

Restart interface to refresh config

After editing wg0.conf, always run wg-quick to restart the interface, otherwise the changes to the configuration won't propagate.

$ sudo wg-quick down wg0
[#] ip link delete dev wg0

$ sudo wg-quick up wg0
[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg0
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg0

The tunnel should be now set up. Try pinging the server from the client. If it isn't working, make sure firewall like iptables isn't blocking the communication and you have ICMP enabled.

Secure with Preshared keys

To add additional level of security, you can generate prehared keys for the client, which act as a shared secret and provide another layers of cryptographical security.

Generate Preshared keys

Navigate to the /etc/wireguard/psk directory, set umask to 077 and generate the key (still in the root shell):

(root)$ cd /etc/wireguard/psk
(root)$ umask 077
(root)$ wg genpsk > windows10_client.psk

Add to server config

Open wg0.conf and add PresharedKey to the [Peer] block for the client:

PublicKey = public_key_from_client
PresharedKey = preshared_key
AllowedIPs =

Add to client config

Because it's a shared secret, it has to be added both to the server and to the client. Also add Presharedkey to the [Peer] block.

PrivateKey = private_key
Address =

PublicKey = server_public_key
PresharedKey = preshared_key
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = publicIP:port